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Ellis Beach Surf Life Saving Club
Needs your help...

Dear Members,
I would like to explain to you some changes within our branch this season that will effect all of you. In the past we have been able to nominate unlimited competitors into our 5 branch carnivals and have been expected to supply officials and water safety on the day, however at time of nomination for carnivals we now have to provide a list of proficient officials and water safety at the ratio of 1:10 competitors, if we can not supply the list of members with these qualifications we will not be able to nominate all of our competitors.
What this means for Ellis Beach is, last season we nominated approximately 150 competitors per carnival so obviously along with entries for each carnival we have to supply a list of 15 proficient officials and 15 water safety personal. Currently the club has 4 active proficient officials recoginised by SLSQ, being Len & Janice Wanklyn, Chritine Fry and Wayne Christiansen so on the required ratios we can nominate 40 competitors, 110 miss out at each carnival this season!
On the 4th of June NQ Branch Office are running a one day free of charge course for officials, at the end of the day you walk out fed, clothed, with a hand book and fully qualified for the next four years, no log books, no probationary period. You need no experience or prior knowledge to enrol in this course. The four people listed above also have other roles within the club so I am asking 15-20 members to get behind the club and attend this course to help insure the clubs prosperity and future. Members that have sat back it's now your turn to get involved as committee members and age managers already have their hands full.
The consequences of Ellis Beach not being able to fulfil their commitments and having to tell competitors that they are unable to nominate for carnivals has not yet been discussed by the management committee but my personal feelings are that members and their families that contribute to the club should get preference to compete over those who do not. This affects all competitors from nippers, cadets, opens, masters, surf rescue entrants and boat crews, it's everyone's issue and we need to sort it out now as there will not be another officials course this season, what we do or don't do now will determine our surf sports participation for the whole year.
If you have any queries please don't hesitate to contact me or talk to me at sign on on Sunday. Please let myself or Peta Grant know if you do decide to attend the course.  CLICK HERE TO PRINT THE APPLICATION FORM
Kind regards

Sharon Mills


Welcome Events Calendar Call for Help Wedding & Venue Hire Club Sponsors Newsletters Results
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