Patrol Requirements
Patrol Roster
Prior to the patrolling season commencing, the Club Captain issues all patrolling members their patrol roster. This roster explains which patrol each patrolling member has been assigned as well as the Patrol Captain and the dates for patrol duty. It is the patrolling member’s responsibility to report for patrol duty in time to help your Patrol Captain set up the patrol area on the beach.
Patrolling Members
The Club set down a number of basic rules for all patrolling members to follow:
- Arrive punctually for all patrols;
- When you arrive at the beach, report directly to your Patrol Captain and sign-in the patrol log book. If you are doing a “make up patrol” or substituting for another person, please note it accordingly in the log book;
- At all times while on patrol wear the patrol uniform, especially your red and yellow quartered cap – which must be tied correctly under your chin and be visible on your head;
- If you wish to go into the water, let your Patrol Captain know and do not enter the water without your patrol cap tied on;
- Be vigilant at all times – people can get into difficulties very quickly in the water. We cannot afford to have patrol members not monitoring the surf and crowd conditions at all times;
- Do not leave the beach without the permission of your Patrol Captain. If you leave the beach, do not wear your patrol uniform or cap;
- The IRBs must not be used for any purpose other than surf life saving or instruction, and may only enter marked bathing areas for rescue purposes;
- If you finish your patrol and the relieving patrol is not present, please consult with your Patrol Captain – you may have to remain on patrol until the relieving patrol is in place;
- After you complete your patrol, ensure all equipment is stored appropriately, hose out the IRB, and place the radios back on charge;
- If you are unable to attend your patrol, you must find a substitute with an award of the same, or higher, status than your own – eg a Bronze Medallion holder can only use a substitute who either has, at least, that award or higher. In this example, you could not use a Surf Rescue Certificate holder as your substitute.
Membership Fees
In order to carry out patrols, compete in carnivals or use the club facilities, all members must be financial. Non financial are not covered under member insurance policies.
Proficiency Test
Proficiencies are held each season over allocated weekends for the following awards:
- Bronze Medallion
- Surf Rescue Certificate
- Advanced Resuscitation Certificate
- IRB Drivers and Crew
During the season all active patrol members and competitive members are required to undertake a proficiency test. This test refreshes members’ skills in resuscitation, first aid, signal as well as run-swim-run to prove fitness. Dates and times of proficiency tests will be advised and it is the sole responsibility of the member to ensure this test is completed and proficiency ascertained.
To attend a proficiency, please register with the Club Captain or cto@ellisbeachslsc.com with your name, the award and the day/time that you would like to attend. Please do not show up on the day if you have not pre-registered as there is a chance there will not be a place available for you. Note that there are different times each day for different proficiencies.
Member Protection Policy
In order to safeguard our junior and young adult members from abuse the club in conjunction with the State Life Saving body have developed a members protection policy. Under this policy it is a members responsibility to report any inappropriate act against a junior or young adult member. Full details of the clubs member protection policy can be obtained from the Executive Officer.